Tallow FAQ

What is Tallow?

Tallow is another word for rendered beef fat. Rendering is the process of purifying the fat. Once rendered it holds the form of a solid white block at room temperature with a natural and nutty smell.

Why Use Tallow for Skincare?

Tallow has similar properties to our skin’s natural sebum, meaning that it is highly compatible with absorbing into our skin on a cellular level, making it incredibly hydrating and nourishing. It also acts as a barrier to protect your skin from the elements.

In addition, grass-fed tallow is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K that have anti-aging properties and serves as protection against excessive UV exposure and oxidization.

Being able to use tallow in our skincare products takes nose-to-tail nutrition to the next level as the fat often goes unused during the butchering process in conventional farming.

Why Does the Consistency of My Tallow Change?

Tallow is solid at room temperature but will become soft when it is warmed up with the touch of the skin.

Our products use tallow as our main ingredient but are also blended with other oils. This means that our products will be soft to the touch at room temperature.

Storing at high temperatures will cause our products to melt. Storing at extreme low temperatures will make the products difficult to manipulate.

Is Tallow Greasy like Many other Natural Products?

Tallow is a non-greasy moisturizer, unlike other natural alternatives.

Its high oleic acid content means that it

- Brings our skin’s natural sebum production back into balance, making it beneficial for both oily and dry skin

- Repairs the skin through reinforcing cell membranes

- Prevents skin from breaking out

Where Does Simply Savoured Source its Tallow From?

Simply Savoured uses the highest quality type of tallow using suet from Alberta grass-fed and grass finished cows. A healthy cow ensures an ethical product as well as the best consistency and most dense nutritional profile for your skincare.

We currently source our tallow from a farm outside of Calgary, Alberta, Canada called TK Ranch. TK Ranch prides itself on quality products as well as sustainable and ethical farming practices.

Any Additional Questions?

Please ask us your question in our Contact Us tab. We will respond to you within one business day.